Saturday, November 21, 2015

2nd Discussion with Supervisor

November 20 2015

2nd Discussion with Supervisor

During the discussion with my supervisor, she strongly suggested that I need to record the process I've done for my investigation into my process journal, so that'll be my top priority for now.  She also suggested that I decide soon whether or not I conduct a survey as part of my investigation. Looking at my plan for the personal project, she approved of it, and liked the fact that I accounted for finals in my plan. She wrote some comments on it such as when I should write the survey if I need to do one, when to deliver the survey, and when to discuss about it. A concern she had was whether or not I could complete my product in the span of two weeks. Looking ahead, my product is most likely going to a digital work rather than a physical one, so I believe that it won't be as time consuming since I'm working with a keyboard and mouse rather than an abundance of materials for the product.